Sunday 1 April 2018

Penned In Pain....

It is with little hesitation I am writing this piece entitled, “Penned in Pain.” It is an easy task to fill pages of paper with essays, stories about people and places, information, facts, and the likes but it is an uphill task to write on events that has happened or occurred in your personal life. Events that have redrawn the entire course of your life and for reasons good or bad, time is yet to decide. Sharing them in public may not be altogether welcome for reasons more than one. But, direct from the unfathomable chamber of my heart and not head, my composition is simpler and raw, less philosophical and more reckless than prudent. I am following the K.I.S.S. RULE- KEEP{ing} IT SHORT AND SIMPLE. I will opt to tag along brevity and precision as virtues of good write-up and relinquish pensiveness and abstraction as vices in my expression. It is so because there has been a lot of a misinterpretation of my words in the past, which has resulted in differences and soured my relationship with my friends and many others. My reckless use of words either orally or in the print have advertently or inadvertently hurt a lot of people. I am not here to perpetrate the same gaffe again. Here, I want to tell you all a small story..... story about a Star. Star that has inspired me in this path of life. A Star that constantly reminds me that in this rugged and desolate path of life one (I) should not to care nor should I fear anyone. It tells me, the sky may fall upon you but never should I quit. The story is...............
I was sitting silently in my terrace apartment, back in Shiv-Mandir, Siliguri. I was drinking my favorite cuppa - the green bio-organic. Two years past I had been forced to leave my birthplace, my home, my parents, my profession and my loved ones due to reasons more than one. In short, I am a victim of circumstances. Yes, political. I am surrounded by silence of night, the moon is shining and the sky is bright with the glittering of the stars. I am engulfed in the stillness of the night and so immersed in the vastness of the sky. But I am alone, all alone. Tears roll down my cheeks when I think that they consider me “anti”. Well, they have their own reasons and arguments to brand me so. Frankly, I am dazed and amazed as well. Such ignorance, and how do we say with our conscience that we are conscious. But time, as those wise men say, is the greatest healer and leveler. I deliberately choose to quote these lines to comfort my, all time low self-esteem.
the story continues…………
Surrounded by the darkness and the warmth of the earth and far behind me I could feel the green mountains from the foothill of Phankabari reaching for the sky. I had a note pad and with the help of the moon’s light I was scribbling the twinge of my heart. With my other hand I am hitting the mosquitoes, as they are sucking me dry. Every single drop of my blood is out-and-out for my leader and for our cause. Yes, the cause .While I looked up in the sky and sipped my tea, I focused my eyes on a Star, the Star was the brightest amongst the millions of others Star. This Star looked familiar and I wanted to speak and say so much to this Star. And while I looked at this Star, grief engulfed me from deep within as away from home I was alone and always very sad. And I said, “Star you have always followed me along... wherever I roamed yet I am a man so alone, without a home.” And then I lifted my head again and the Star had come a little closer to me and then it said, “ Don’t you see?” and I had to be honest and I said NO ....I don’t see, I don’t see me, I don’t see anything, I feel lost, I said. I have always followed the sun and then I see the stars at night and the moon shine right above me. I have lived, I said, in a world so fake.... that’s why I look often up into the sky to find some solace. Then the Star said. “I love you and I am always with you.” And again I had to be honest and said, “I don’t know and I cannot trust?” Then the Star spoke again and said, “The sun loves you and the moon and all the other planets.” I couldn’t believe my ears. I looked up into the sky and not only at the Star that spoke to me but to all the others and I started seeing more than I ever saw before. Millions of stars were shining brightly and on the right of me was the moon. And they all sang together, “We love you, come home soon.” Tears were rolling down my cheeks but no longer of sadness but I felt I will soon be going home. I no longer had that feeling that I was all alone and I kept opening my eyes more and more and above me I saw this great light and this light grew brighter and brighter and all of a sudden I could see no more. Now every night I go to my terrace to see the stars, I have never seen them so bright. It enlightens my inner darkness and the moon is so strong and powerful and day after day I pick up that Star..... one that spoke to me. The Star that first said, “I love thee.” I learned since then that this Star lives in me and that I live in that Star. The sun, the moon and all the celestial planets can leave me but not this STAR. And I want it to keep on shining brightly, forever and ever. But whenever I fail to see that Star I feel sad again and so alone. But I always know that this Star is not so far. And I speak to that Star all the time. I have learned he is not only mine but belongs also to you. Star like this cannot be privatized NOR personalised. This star is universal. Today it spoke to me and one day it will speak to you. It belongs to everyone. Whenever you are alone and you have so many scars and stories to tell..... so many things you still see at night and the pain is too great....just go to your roof top and raise your head to see the open sky, there is a star right above you.
This is the story I want to tell.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

"फिस्टालाई मार्नु क्याटीस नै काफी छ, बोफोर्स तोपको आवश्यक्ता पर्दैन I " Neeraj Zimba.

Laxmi Joshi replies back to Manoj Bagoti.

"हुनु त मनोज वोगटीले जत्ति नै आफैलाई सर्काएर मपाई हुन खोजेपनि दार्जिलिंगको राजनीतिमा Non-entity नै हो यो मान्छे।कैले माननीय इन्द्र बहादुर राई सरको लिला लेखनलाई झट्टारो हान्दै कैले आर बि राई सरको इमान्दारितामा प्रश्न गर्दै चर्चामा बसिरहनु रूचाऊने मनोज फेरी जिम्बा सरलाई होंच्याउने शब्दहरू प्रयोग गरेर आफैलाई सुर्खीमा राख्न व्यस्त देखिन्छ। आन्दोलनलाई माझमै छाडेर भाग्ने नेता र आन्दोलनमा गोडा टेकेर GTA2को चौकीमा विराजमान भएको नेताहरूका विरोधमा लेख्नु भन्दा लु गोर्खाल्याणडको निम्ति म आमरण भोक हडतालमा बस्छु भनेर आफ्नो नाम दर्ता गर्ने जिम्बा सरको खोइरो खनेको देख्दा उनको पत्रकारिता एक पक्षीय मात्र नभएर उनी अप्रशिक्षित पत्रकार भएको स्पष्ट झल्किन्छ। हुन पनि कक्षा दशौसम्म मात्र शैक्षिक योग्यता भएको व्यक्तिले पत्रकारिताको परीक्षा त परै जावोस तर भारतको कुनै पनि पत्रकार बनाउँने शैक्षिक संस्थानमा कसरी भर्ना पाउँछ र तरै पनि आलु खाएर पेंडाको धाँक देखाऊने मनोजले पत्रकारिताको कुरा गर्दा अन्धाको देशमा खोंडे तन्नेरी भाको भन्दा कम छैन। बंगाललाई चिट्ठी लेख्न भन्दा अघि गोजेले बन्द खेलाऊन MLA हरू कोलकोत्ता पठाको कुरा स्वघोषित वरिष्ठ पत्रकारलाई थाह त हुनुपर्ने नै हो। उनीहरू आपसमै लडेर आन्दोलनलाई दिशाहिन् बनाऊनेको विरोधमा लेख्नु पर्दा तपाईको कलमको मसी अनायस् किन सकिन्छ?आफ्नै सालोले जाप त्यागेर GTA2लाई सघाऊने साथ तपाईको कलम केवल गरामुमो कै विरोधमा मात्र चल्नुपर्ने हो? तपाईको परिवारीक वाध्यतासंग अलि-अलि जानेको पत्रकारिता बन्दक राख्नुभाको छैन भने बंगालको पाइताला चाटने तपाईकै परिवारको सदस्यलाई सम्झाएको उत्तम्। सिकौरे पत्रकारले पहिला पत्रकारिता सिक्नु। राजनीतिमा हात हाल्दा एम जे अकबर जस्तो प्रशिक्षीत् पत्रकार पनि गतिलै पराजय भएको विदितै होला तपाईलाई। हामीलाई तपाईले राजनीति सिकाऊनु पर्दैन। यस्तो गर्नाले मुसाले गणेशजीलाई मन्त्र सिकाको जस्तो मात्र हुन्छ। दुइ शब्द अंग्रेज़ी लेख्नु पर्दा दुइटै गल्ती गर्ने तपाईले निरज सरलाई सानो सम्झेर माफी देको भन्दा रामजीलाई रावणले धनु विद्या सिकाको जस्तो पो लाग्यो। गोर्खाल्याण्ड प्राप्तिको लागि हामीले के गर्दैछौं त्यो तपाई जस्तो टेंडे आँखाले नदेखेपनि सबै रणनीति बताएर डाकुहरूलाई व्यांकको ठेगाना किन दिनु? हरियो झण्डाको बडदो जनाधारले पिरोल्नेहरूलाई 2019मा चित् पार्ने नै छौं। हामी तटस्थ बस्दा पनि हामीमा नआऊनेहरूलाई खिरै पस्किन्दा पनि सिद्रासंग खानुखोज्छ भने सुकुटी पनि दिने नै छौं। आन्दोलनको समयमा आन्दोलनकारीहरू भकाभक पकडा परेका कठिन समयमा जब समस्त वकीलहरू आन्दोलनकारीलाई छुटाऊन डराइरहेका थिए त्यस्तो विकट परिस्थितिमा पनि आफूले गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनमा पकडा परेकाहरूलाई बिना पैसा केस लडिदिन्छु भनेर एउटा फोरम खोल्ने गोर्खाल्याण्डको इमान्दार योद्घा कविवर टेकध्वज जिम्बा 'आशा'का एउटै सुपुत्र निरज जिम्बा सरलाई निराधार आरोप लगाऊने मनोजज्यु वास्तवमै निष्पक्ष पत्रकार नभएर पक्षपाती पत्रुकार भएको उनको अचाँहिदो लान्छनाहरूले पुष्टि गर्दछ।
अरू चै घुरेनको आफू चै बगैचाको सम्झने तपाईलाई केही प्रश्नहरू :-
1) कालेबुंग जिल्ला गठन हुनै लाग्दा सोझो लेप्चाहरूले बनाएको स्टेजमा तपाईले कसरी नयाँ जिल्ला सम्बन्धी कार्यक्रम गर्ने सुअवसर पाऊनु भयो? लाखौं रूपियाँ खर्च गरेर बनाएको स्टेज लेप्चा समुदायले प्रयोग गरिसकेपछि पनि अर्को दिन नभत्काएर तपाईलाई सरकारले होस्ट भएर कार्यक्रम गर्न कसरी दिइयो? यसले त यै प्रमाण हुन्छ कि यतिको बंगाल विरूद्ध हुंकार देखाऊने मान्छे त अन्त आफै बंगाल सरकारसंग मिलेको रैछ त त्यत्तिबेला। ताक परे तिवारी नत्र वोगटी ? के हो यो? 
2) हर्क सरले नै मात्र जिल्ला गठन गर्न सक्छ भन्दै तर्क राख्ने तपाई अचानक वहाँसंगै विमुख हुन अघि तपाईले कसको बुलावटमा के थापेर अचानक वहाँको साथ छोडनुभयो? जनता जान्न चाहन्छ। हर्क सरले कालेबुंग जिल्ला ल्याऊन सक्छ भन्ने मान्छेले राजनीति हामीलाई सिकाऊनु खोज्नु भनेको हनुमानले होइन सुमेरू पर्वत चै वोगटीले नै बोक्नसक्छु भनेको जस्तो मात्र हो। तपाई कविता राम्रो लेख्नुहुन्छ। त्यस क्षेत्रमा तपाईको स्कोप छ। राम्रोलाई राम्रो भन्न पनि जान्दछौं। तपाई जस्तो अंहकारी र बुद्धिभ्रष्ट छैनौ।
3) नेपाल भूकम्प पिडीतको सहयोगार्थ तपाईले एउटा सांगीतिक कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गरेर लाखौं रूपियाँ उठाएर त्यो रूपियाँ नेपालमा कसलाई लगेर दिनुभयो? अहिलेसम्म त त्यसको हिसाब तपाईले सार्वजनिक गर्नुभाको छैन। यस हिसाबको प्रमाण सहित जनता जान्न चाहन्छ नत्र कुनै सरकारी जागिर बिना केवल कक्षा दशसम्म पढेको व्यक्तिले अहिलेको महंगो समयमा डुवर्सबाट आएर यत्ति चाँडै जमीन किनेर घर बनाकोमा संखा गर्ने प्रयाप्त ठाउँहरू छ। अरूको घर भत्काउँछु भन्नेहरूलेै आफू पनि परालको घरमा बस्नु भएन। एकै माचिसको सिन्काले खरानी हुनसक्छ ।हामीलाई आगो लगाउँदा आफ्नैै हात जोगाएर लगाऊनु नत्र तपाईको हात मात्र जल्दैन सबै खरानी बनाऊने अरू तथ्यहरू पनि छ हामीसंग।तपाईले शत्रु सम्झेपनि तपाई एउटा स्रष्टा भाको नातामा हामी इज्जत गर्छौं। इज्जतमै बस्नुहोस् ।"

Monday 12 March 2018

"Gorkhaland Movement from a Different Dimensional Prospective."

A personal thoughts expressed:-
गोर्खाल्याण्डको समर्थनमा धेरै बंगाली महानुभवहरू पनि छन् जसले हामी धेरैले भन्दा बेसी यस मागको यथार्थलाई बुझेका छन्। Evolutionमा हामी बंगाली समुदाय भन्दा धेरै पछि परेका जाति हौं। हामीसंग पौठेजोरी खेल्नु उनीहरूलाई शोभा दिंदैन भन्ने कुरा बुझ्नुपर्छ अनि उनीहरूलाई बुझाउनु पनि पर्छ। रामकृष्ण परमहंस, स्वामी विवेकानन्द, रवीन्द्रनाथ ठाकुर, जगदीश चन्द्र बोस, सुभास चन्द्र बोस, मेघनाथ शाह, अमर्त्य सेन, सत्यजीत रेका धेरैजसो हामीलाई अनि बंगाली समुदायलाई पनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको माग बंगाल अनि बंगाली विरोधी भन्ने भ्रान्ति रहेको छ अथवा यसलाई जानी-जानी बंगाली समुदाय बिरोधी मागको दोष लगाइन्दैछ। तर हामीले भुल्नु हुँदैन कि (हामीले) ठगिएको, पछाडिएको महसुस गर्नु भनेको ती महापुरूषहरूसंगसंगै सम्पूर्ण बंगाली जातिको नै अपमान हुनु होइन र ? भाषिक अतिक्रमण, जात-जातको विभाजन जस्ता केवल राजनैतिक सत्ताको निम्ति लिइएका निर्णयहरूले बंगाल जस्तो ठाउँमा पनि प्रबुद्धवर्गभन्दा राजनैतिक सत्ताको स्वार्थीहरूको नै पल्ला भारी भएको स्पष्ट भएको छ। यस्ता संकुचित निर्णयहरूले बंगालको गौरवपूर्ण इतिहास कलंकित भएको छ।भारतवर्षमा भर्खरै गठन भएका अन्य राज्यहरूको भन्दा भिन्दै पृष्ठभूमि छ हाम्रो अनि बंगालको। दिल्लीको मनसाय बुझिसकेर पनि घरि-घरि "दिल्लीमुखी आन्दोलन" भनेर रट् लगाइरहनु अब मूर्खता सिवाय केही होइन। जसले जेसुकै भनोस तर बंगालसंग डराउँछ दिल्ली।  मैले यहाँ तर ममता व्यानर्जीसंग डराउँछ भन्न खोजेको चै होइन। ममता व्यानर्जी त बंगालको राजनीतिमा आएको एउटा सानो घटना मात्र हो। त्यसैले अबको हाम्रो आन्दोलन दिल्लीमुखी संग संगै कलकत्तामुखी हुनुपर्छ। "तपाईहरूका सहयोगले मात्र गोर्खाल्याण्ड सम्भव छ" भन्ने कुरा बुझाउन पर्छ बंगाललाई। "यो ठाउँ बंगालको थिंदै थिएन" वा "हाम्रो भूभाग फर्काइदे" जस्ता नाराहरूले हजार वर्षसम्म पनि गोर्खाल्याण्ड सम्भव छैन। घरि-घरि हामीभित्रै फाटो ल्याउन सफल भईरहेको छ बंगाल। यसमा कुरै छैन। यो त उनीहरूका कला हो। मज्जा त त्यतिबेला आउँछ जब हामीले "गोर्खाल्याण्डको पक्षधर" र "गोर्खाल्याण्ड विरोधी" पन्थीहरूमा दुइ फ्याक पार्न सक्छौ बंगाललाई।
के यस्तो बेग्लै खालको रणनीति बनाउन समयको माग होइन र?

Sunday 11 March 2018

Obituary : Dr.Indra Bahadur Rai.

The Carnival has come to an end and all that remains is emptiness, darkness and stoic silence.

The blood in my veins froze when my dad rang me late night up to say, " Our Indra Sir is gone". I couldn't7 believe nor could I sleep the whole night. Though I am a breed altogether different from litterateur and writers but since I am a son of a writer/poet too, I atleast have that iota of forte to recognise and appreciate the significance and importance of IB Sir's humongous contribution to the development and advancement of our language and literature. I have had a very rare opportunity to meet him just a couple of times but those few quality moments have left an indelible impression in my life. The last time I met him was in winter of 2015 at his Methibari residence along with my father Tekdhoj Zimba 'Asha' and uncle B.B.Tamang. Every word he spoke was profound wisdom for us to treasure and he had a memory beyond measure. His conversation was always embroidered with apt quotations and germane anecdotes. But one thing I vividly remember is him saying, "... my ink is drying but my pen is still restless... it wants to run, infact even faster." What a scintillating conversationalist he was. The propounder of Lila Lekhan and Teshro Aayam style in Nepali literature, could speak on given subject on world literature. I was impressed by his literary judgement, so was all who met him and read him.  Our friends in neighbouring Nepal say that "We have everything that you have in Darjeeling except two things - the Toy Train & Indra Bahadur Rai".
Dr. Indra Bahadur Rai, the name that perhaps need no introduction - name that will never ever fade from the hearts and memories of millions of Nepali speaking people all over the world. The greatest and tallest 'Signature' in Nepali Literary World. He was a phenomena, an era and now he is an immortal legend who brought renaissance to Nepali literature by introducing fresh modernist aesthetics, both in theory and in practice, to Nepali literature. He too played a pivotal role in the Bhasa Movement and for having the Nepali language officially recognized in the Eight Schedule of the Indian Constitution.
The most prominent and acclaimed writers in the Nepali language, IB Sir has penned nearly about  thirteen books apart from the magnum opus novel Aaja Ramita Chha (There's a Carnival Today) —spanning the genres of fiction, memoir, poems, literary criticism and drama. He is the recipient of the  prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award, first recipient in Nepali Literature, the Jagadamba Shree Puraskar and the Agam Singh Giri Smriti Puraskar.
His going has left an irreplacable vacuum in our lives. He shall be forever read, forever written, forever talked, foever researched, forever remembered, forever honoured and forever mourned. Robert Brorning's lines were meant for a man like him:
"We that loved him so, followed him, honoured him,
Lived in his mild and magnificent age,
Learned his great language, caught his clear accents,
Made him our pattern to love andl die."
I try to write this humble tribute to this giant of world literature and not just Nepali literature as claimed by many. Although my writing on him compared to others may be rated as kintergarden stuff but definitely not my intentions.

(POEM) I in and am - Neeraj.

I in and AM - NEERAJ.






Tuesday 30 May 2017

(POEM) Mission Immortality......not now again becoming.

Mission Immortality......not now again becoming.

invite you
To the Universe
of this ‘Spiritual Giant’
the world has ever known.
If you think,
if ever GOD walked on this earth,
It was He and He alone.
The most silent and simplest
Of all Gods of World
His glory is Great
He is real and the rarest.
A true seeker can find HIM, yet.
Silently and surely
For,  not in any
Doctrines nor in Dogmas,
nor in Scriptures or in Rituals,
he resides.
Yes, but in TRUTH (Dhamma) alone.
He belongs to all,
And all belongs to Him.
He is  with you here and everywhere.
In 623 B.C.
at Kapilavatthu in Lumbini,
a Crown Prince Siddhartha was born
to an aging King.
On a full moon day of May,
To accomplish a task, the wise sage say
Task to lead all living beings
From darkness to light
From unreality to reality
From death to immortality.
Unknown of  this World external,
Twenty Nine years,
He lived in His palace internal.
One day,
On seeing an old, a sick and a dead man,
He resolved to renounce the World Eternal.

He detached Himself from
His Kingdom, His wife, and His son.
All He wished was to overcome the subjugation of time,
Never did He wished to escape the tyranny of time.
So, to fulfill His “MSSION IMMORTALITY”
Mission seeking:
The unborn and the unaging,
The undecaying and the undying,
The unsorrowing and the stainless,
Six years, He engaged in difficult to do.
Traveling from places to places,
Wandering in dark jungles like primeval sages.
‘BUDDHAHOOD’- His Mission and His Goal,
‘NIRVANA’- He wanted from within His soul.
With time,
HIS - Desire, Hatred, Fear and Anger was gone,
Gone with them were,
Jealousy, Revenge, Malice and Slander,
Along with all His Glamour’s,
He resigned from all His Illusions and Greed,
From His Ego and Vanity,
From His Fanaticism, Separation and Pride,
Siddhartha was reborn, He was transformed.
At thirty five,
Beneath a Bodhi Tree,
For the happiness of  many,
For the benefit of humanity,
Siddhartha became Tathagata,
Tathagata! The Buddha.
Tathagata! The Awakened One.
Tathagata! The Enlightened One.
Yes! The Supreme One, The Only One.
Then He beckoned to suffering humanity,
To develop understanding and compassion,
In His first sermon as Saranath,
With the light of Wisdom shining in his heart,
He asked us to adopt the “MIDDLE PATH”.
‘What is middle path?’  one may ask,
Yes! The Noble Eightfold Path,
Path of Right View, of Right Thought;
Of Right Speech and Right Action;
Path of  Right Livelihood and Right Effort;
Of Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
Following this “Eightfold Path,” He said,
One can attain,
The state of  bliss,
And of enlightenment,
The state of not again becoming,
The joy of living in the Supreme.
Wish to follow t(HIS) path?
If He could, why can’t you?
For He is a son of a man, like you.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, followed Him once,
Along with ‘ Mathma’ an independent India was born.
Today, if you take a step forward,
Think a New Star is born in the sky,
Soon it would descent to our Earth,
May BUDDHA return to earth.

Saturday 27 May 2017



Subject… the Gorkhas
Claim… . . . .their lost Identity.
Mission… . . . . .their own homeland.
Code name… … ... .. . .GORKHALAND.
With a dream in his eyes,
A blazing fire in his heart,
A mission in his mind,
And a resolve to strive it till eternity,
Alone, He walked in this land,
Over the highlands and valleys,
In the sun and in rain,
From village to village, he traveled,
Grouping men and women,
Inspiring the young and old.
For a cause, as never thought before,
For a fight, as never fought before.
Recounting the blunders of the past,
Unfolding the pages of history,
Engulfed in mystery,
the fate of the fate less,
helpless and hopeless.
Alone, he walked.
Like an alien in his own sand.
He is the Chosen One,
He is the first voice of freedom.
The selfless call for liberation,
His conviction, a few will question,
His determination, a few will doubt.
He sang the first song of revolution.
Yes, He the clarion call of liberation.
From the ramparts of the famous
Geetanga Dara,
On the 5th of April, 1980,
With a deep thought in his head,
With an unwavering faith he said,
Those many who believed, followed,
Those few who doubted, retreated,
Remember…. .
This was just not his fight,
This was for our very birth right.
So, everyone came forward,
women and daughters,
As hidden was not the Gorkha’s plight?
From now,
We will fight our own battle,
For our very essence of life
identity… destiny… and survival
was in question.
That call to freedom,
That spirit of liberty
Still endures in our hearts and minds.
No matter how hard those armed men try,
That spirit, embodied in His vision,
will never die.
We will “Do or Die” in His one call,
For even in the face of calamity
He will never let us fall.
Time is ripe,
Our cause is at all time hype.
He is the perennial sun,
that never sets.
He is the blue sky,
which doesn’t fall apart,
Mere at the clap of thunder.
The Gorkha doesn’t surrender,
Mere at a threat from a stranger.
From an unknown soldier
to a Gorkha General,
A painter and novelist,
A politician with a philosopher’s touch,
A devout and a mystic too,
He was all.
When history will remember Him,
And it surely will………..
He will be called a Legend.
Yes, a Legend,
Legend of Legends,
A Legend we call Subash Ghishing.

Penned In Pain....

It is with little hesitation I am writing this piece entitled, “Penned in Pain.” It is an easy task to fill pages of paper with essays, ...